Nestled within its beautiful namesake town, Warral Maldon is dedicated to quite simply producing some of the best honey you’ll ever taste.
Since 1896, when the great-great grandfather of the current owner fell in love with bees, this one family has spent more than 125 years perfecting the art of apiculture, and can trace every jar from a treetop, to your tabletop.
After deploying our hives to pollinate key almond orchards, canola crops and more, September to May is honey season where our apiarists bring our bees to forage on the best honey flows throughout Victoria and southern NSW, focussing on the best yellow box, grey box, red stringybark and ironbark flora varieties.
Managing hives especially on this scale is both an art and a science, carefully managed to produce the best results and keep the bees healthy, with queens that are reared under controlled conditions for hives that are hygienic, happy and healthy.